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cycle. wisdom. power.

Self Paced Video Course for Women with Naomi Katz


black strip from moonlight girl
This course is for self identifying women who want to deepen our relationship with our cycles and nature’s cycles.

As women, much of our innate wisdom comes through our listening to our bodies. Our menstrual cycle is a very important gateway to access this wisdom. 


For generations, women of all directions, of all colors, of all communities have been attentive to our cycles, to the origin of life that connects us all, one to another. 

In this virtual course for women, we’ll explore the power of the menstrual cycle, the cyclicality that lives within our body and outside of it, the endless circle of life, death, and rebirth.

In this course we'll reflect upon:

the gift that it is to live in this body and the possibility to reclaim our innate wisdom and sensory literacy by paying attention to our cycles.

our sensual expression and the ways in which we explore and experience pleasure.


our relationships with the elements, with Earth, Air, Water, and Fire which are the basis of our existence.


the ways in which we listen to ourselves, to our emotions, and express our passion.


the possibility of cultivating and deepening our relationships with the earth, the food we eat, our bodies, and our voices.


the physical and energetic aspects of the four phases of the menstrual cycle, and 


the relationships between the menstrual cycle and the medicine wheel of life - the seasons of the year, the sun’s course throughout the day, the phases of the moon, the stages of our lives, the energies of the four directions. 

This course includes:

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  • 7 Weekly video lessons delivered to your inbox, which include guided movement work

  • Weekly practices which are clear action steps to create opportunities to relate to the work more deeply and personally

  • Live support session - one optional meeting to ask questions and share best practices

  • Invitation to in-person women’s weekends and other events especially for this community of women who share a common language about our relationships and our cycles. 

  • Ongoing access to playlists for each week’s movement work


Naomi Katz is a ceremonialist, educator and movement facilitator.  Through ritual, ceremony, word and movement, she creates transformative spaces for humans to remember our essential relationship with our source and embody practical tools to maintain ongoing attention to the  sacred in our day to day lives.


Inspired by the indigenous practices of the women of the earth, she has traveled the world studying ancient wisdom. Her educational approach weaves her extensive experience in western education systems with all that she has learned from her teacher, Carmen Vicente, medicine woman and spiritual leader from the high Andes. 


Naomi is clearly driven by her passion to empower girls and women, as evidenced by the way she embodies strength and resilience in her actions and in her ability to create content that pushes girls to build their inner strength and resilience.

Mia Araki 

Chief Program Officer, Girls Leadership

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't have my period? 

Please note that this is not a fertility awareness course, and we are not tracking our cycles. We are working with the spiritual and energetic understanding of our cycles and our bodies in the larger context of the natural world.


As such: 

  • Self identifying adult women who do not menstruate are welcome.

  • Women who no longer menstruate are welcome. 

  • Girls who have received their first moon at least one year ago are welcome.


I have an irregular cycle. Can I still benefit from this course?

  • Absolutely.  We are working with the menstrual cycle as a tool to deepen our connection to our bodies and to the cycles in the natural world. This perspective helps us to understand the importance of the cycle beyond its role in pregnancy and birth. We are working with a holistic understanding of women’s cycles as the basis of all life.  


How much time do I need to commit to this course?

  • Each week a new lesson will be emailed to you, and you can do them on your own time. Beyond that, you will learn practices to help internalize the material in the videos. The time you spend doing these practices is entirely up to you, could be once a week for 5 minutes, could be 5 minutes once a day and could be an hour a day.  You chart the course to develop your own relationship with the content being offered. 


This moment is calling upon us

calling the women

to renew our presence

upon the earth

and remember our wisdom

Revive our natural leadership

grounded in our capacity to contain,

leadership of softness, acceptance, compassion

Still have questions?

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