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even as the world pushes us toward isolation

Do you long for deeper intimacy?

Ache for more authenticity?

Do you feel out of sync with the rhythms of your body and out of touch with the natural world?

These human struggles define our times.

If you are feeling any of these, please know that you are not alone.

It may seem like we are all part of an unending race,

barely having the time to stop and appreciate a drink of water, much less connect with anyone else while we do. It’s as if slowly but surely we humans behave more and more like machines, seemingly detached from one another and from the natural world around us. It feels to many of us as if life has become somewhat flat.

Do you want something more? Do you know, from the depth of your heart, that there is another way to be?

There must be a way that is far more nourishing than simply going through the motions.

Can you feel that we are all related somehow, with each other, with all of life?

Do you feel certain that the magic living in those relations is somehow accessible to us all?

We can truly return to a place of balance.

We can do this by integrating a  practice of collaboration and gratitude.  We simply need to turn our attention again to our relationships - with ourselves, others, community, nature and the sacred.

How do we do this?

In today’s economy, attention has become a commodity. Endless options coupled with so many demands on our energy often result in our attention being captured by outside force which can feel authoritative.

“Thank you for the experience of togetherness. The realisation that we are connected has such power. Power that gives us courage to open and experience our deepest wounding and that helps us kindly treat them, that allows us to fall to the bottom and gives us as much time as we need.
The community of the tribe of soul mates, where everyone carries their own burden and everyone brings their own power. The common essence is a gift. I remembered that I know it from ancient times. And it’s beautiful to know it now as well.”


 -Hana Novotná

When we remember that the authority that governs all of life is not human, but rather is the cycle of life itself, everything begins to change.

The first thing we need to do is to take our attention back.  

One of the the first things that we can do is to choose where we put our precious attention.

A simple way to start this process is to listen again to the water.

Please download this free guided meditation to start you on your way home to yourself…

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